Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Boomers Are Staying In-Place

Thirty one, almost 32 years being a broker in south Denver allows me to look back and note interesting trends. And this is one that is fairly consistent. What is different is the number of silver haired residents we now have in Denver...it seemed to be different in the 1980's. The common complaint we hear today is there isn't anything I can buy to replace my home. When we built our home we actually planned for an elevator, eventually. So my counsel to folks is often, "re-model if you love your home".

There is one new trend I am seeing and that is folks chasing the grandchildren. What I mean is grand parents want to be near the children and so they move to where they live. And then the kids move again, so they do too. It is a curious trend that has developed because of our mobile society. We hope our children will come "home" after their adventure. And while multiple moves are good for me (I can refer you to Realtors across the country) I pray the families are re-inforced for the effort it takes to leave Denver.

There seems to have been an accepted progression for homeowners going from starter home, to gradually moving into one’s dream home, then, downsizing after becoming an empty nester and finally, into a retirement home. However, Marianne Cusato’s 2016 Aging-in-Place Report indicates that many older Americans don’t plan on following that pattern.Denver - Pete Doty

61% of homeowners above the age of 55 intend on staying in their homes indefinitely. 2/3 of them believe that the home’s layout will serve their needs without having to make aging-related improvements.

Some of the reasons being cited for staying in place are:

  • 66% say their home is conveniently located
  • 38% say they live close to their family
  • 68% say they feel independent in their home
  • 54% say they are familiar with their neighborhood
  • 66% say the feel safe in their home

Typical renovations that might be considered for their current home are things like grab bars in the tub or shower, shower seats, taller toilets, handheld showerheads and additional handrails on stairways.

It seems that the report’s conclusion is that regardless of a homeowner’s age, they want to thrive in their home. The same emotional reasons that causes a person to want to buy a home are the things that cause them to hold onto them if is practical.

One of the services I offer is a list of contractors who can help you get your home up to speed for your life style or ready for sale. If you are considering a move, we should talk.

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